Southern Rural Sociological Association educational and scientific organization established to foster the study, understanding, and application of rural sociology in the South.
February 2023-February 2024
President-Elect 2024-2025
Russ J. Garner
Area Director for Field Operations
Community Sustainability Team
Communities Unlimited
(479) 445-2950
President 2024-2025
Marcus Bernard
Dean of the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources
Director of Land Grant Programs
Kentucky State University
Cooperative Extension Building, Suite 231C
105 University Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 597-5758
Program Chair 2024-2025
Kara Woods
Research Analyst
SDFR Policy Research Center
Office of the President, Alcorn State University
1000 ASU Drive #449
Lorman, Mississippi 39096
Past President 2024-2025
Eleanor Green
Co-Director, Delta Scholars Program, Shackouls Honors College
Mississippi State University
118 Twin Gum Road
Starkville, MS 39759
Phone: 662-402-4451​
Program Chair-Elect 2024-2025
Ryan Thomson
Assistant Professor, Rural Sociology
Auburn University
Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology
313 Comer Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
(334) 844-5631
Journal Editor
John J. Green
Director, Southern Rural Development Center
Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics
P.O. Box 5187
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662.325.0595
Student Representation
Graduate Student Representative
Meikah Dado, Texas A & M University
Meikah is a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University in the Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications Department. She is a graduate research assistant at the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture where she works on the Africa Team. Her research interests are in international agricultural development involving women and youth.
Undergraduate Student Representative
Open Position
Robert Zabawa
Research Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Tuskegee University
201 Campbell Hall
1210 W. Montgomery Rd.
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Phone: 334-727-8114