Southern Rural Sociological Association educational and scientific organization established to foster the study, understanding, and application of rural sociology in the South.
Journal Fees
Submission Fees:
The Journal of Rural Social Sciences requires payment of a submission fee. Because it is an open-access journal, this is one of the primary forms of support for the work of the editorial office. Payment of the submission fee guarantees desk review by the editorial office, and if found suitable, a round of peer review. Payment does not guarantee publication.
The submission fee is $40 if the first author is a member of the Southern Rural Sociological Association and $50 if the first author is not a member.
Production Fees:
If a manuscript is recommended for publication, the author must submit a production fee of payment of $80 if the first author is an SRSA member or $100 for a non-member. This payment is due at the time of signing the author agreement and review of page proofs.
Payment by check:
Checks payable to the Southern Rural Sociological Association (or SRSA) may be sent to:
Robert Zabawa,
110 Henderson Hal,
G. W. Carver Ag. Exp. Station,
Tuskegee University,
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Full submission details available HERE