Southern Rural Sociological Association
...an educational and scientific organization established to foster the study, understanding, and application of rural sociology in the South.
Member Qualifications.
Persons and Associations having a professional interest in rural sociology will be eligible for membership in the Association.
The Association collects dues from its members as determined by the Executive Committee to be necessary to further the purposes and objectives of the SRSA.
To join SRSA outside of the annual conference: From last day to register for the conference until registration for the next conference begins. (Approximately between January 31 and September 1).
Current membership dues (Updated October 2021):
Professional membership:
$60 (income under $50,000)
$100 (income over $50,000)
Student Membership:
Note: The annual conference registration fee includes (Registration Opens October 16, 2023):
admission to all SRSA concurrent sessions, panel discussions, poster sessions, and keynote addresses
admission to the SRSA awards luncheon and Presidential address
a one-year membership to the Southern Rural Sociological Association