Southern Rural Sociological Association
...an educational and scientific organization established to foster the study, understanding, and application of rural sociology in the South.

The Journal of Rural Social Sciences is a scholarly refereed journal published twice a year that provides an energetic forum for discussions on rural social change. Manuscripts engaging theoretical and empirical analyses that evaluate the factors and implications of rural social change for the southern United States, the United States overall, and at the global level are welcomed.
Journal History
The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS) – formerly known as Southern Rural Sociology– is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Southern Rural Sociological Association (SRSA). It is an open-access journal published in collaboration with an Editor and Editorial Office selected by the SRSA Board of Directors. John Green (PhD) currently serves as Editor in Chief, Elizabeth Young Sweeney (PhD) serves as Managing Editor, and they are the conveners of the volunteer Editorial Board.
From 1983 until 2009, the first 24 volumes of the journal were published as Southern Rural Sociology. Starting in 2010, volumes 25 through 33 were published as Journal of Rural Social Sciences. These previous issues may be found here: Previous Issues.
https://egrove.olemiss.edu/jrss/ (Volumes 1 through 37)
https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/jrss/ (Volume 38 and forward)
to access The Journal of Rural Social Sciences, submission guidelines, and other pertinent information. For more information contact JRSS editor John J. Green (john.green@msstate.edu).